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Book Launch Strategy & Publicity

Did you know most books sell just 500 copies or less? It’s true.
Why? Because they were never promoted the right way.

80% of our clients choose to work with us on the promotion of their book.

Based on your audience, your existing platform and the potential of your book, we create a custom book promotion strategy that will position your book for maximum success.

Through outreach to the media, podcasts, book review sites and industry influencers, we help put your book in the limelight so it sells lots of copies and… puts you in the best position for paid consulting and speaking gigs. (if that’s what you’re seeking)

Amazon Setup & Optimization

Fact: Amazon has revolutionized the way books are sold. It’s made selling books easier and more efficient. But it also has enabled thousands more books to be produced every year. So, your Amazon book page needs to be compelling and optimized.

We’ll also research and recommend Amazon keywords and categories that best position your book to achieve bestseller status. And we work with you to setup your Author Central author profile.

We’ll also set up your KDP account, so you can sell a Kindle version of your book.