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Discussing Your Vision

Where do you start with a book project?

Where do you start with a book project?

Our first two questions: What’s the subject matter and do you have a working title? Whether you have ideas for that or not, we will help get what’s in your head down on paper. Then we will come up with ideas for your Table of Contents and the overall flow of your book.

Next, we go through the discovery process to discuss your ideas and intended outcomes. We come up with a detailed project plan and schedule the Zoom calls that our team will do with you to capture all of your great stories and ideas for the book. (which we record and transcribe)

Meet Your Book Production Team

At this stage, you will also have the opportunity to meet your ghostwriter, editor and designer. As the creative force behind your book, these three individuals are critically important to manifesting your vision for what the book can be.

After that and throughout the project, you’ll meet with your Project Manager who will serve as the conduit between you and the book production team.

Jon Wuebben
3 Time Published Author. International speaker. Marketing Futurist. And part time pop songwriter.
Tiffany Wuebben

25-year dental industry veteran and Owner, The Hygienepreneur.